Search Engines are becoming one of the number one web marketing channels your potential customers will use to visit your website or your business's physical location.

SEO nowadays is becoming a very competitive field in any business and all industries. To succeed in search growth hack, you cannot rely only on average SEO techniques that any company and anyone can easily implement. So that’s the reason why your business needs to apply the latest and advanced SEO trends.

Advanced SEO Services for your company will not only help you outrank your fierce competitors but it will increase your web traffics, physical visits and it will transform your business in a matter of sales and public relations.

In this article, we will discuss the recently advanced SEO secrets your company needs. Therefore we will have a case study on how you can improve your ranking with the top advanced SEO tricks behind major search engines.

404 Error page SEO

A 404 Error page is a web page of your website that a web browser displays when a user did not find a page that matches exactly a URL address associated with the domain name he was looking for.

What causes 404 error message

The 404 error message is caused by an incorrect URL or a broken link that may redirect a web user to a non-existing web page of your website.

How to optimize 404 pages for SEO

To improve your 404 pages for SEO you have to avoid using a default 404 error message that comes with your hosting company or that comes with your CMS theme, for instance, if you use a CMS like WordPress. You have to always customize your error page.

To optimize 404 messages for SEO, you have to customer your 404 error content by putting a customized message on this page so that a web user will be able to know that he is not on the right page and you can instruct him how he can get out of the 404 pages by creating a link to where he has to click next.

Advanced SEO

Guest Posting

Guest Posting is an off-page SEO Strategy where you can backlink your website with other web sources via publishing articles and blogs as a guest writer.

Creating guest posts requires targeting particular website industries that match your business niches. Finding a website you can post is the first step for publishing your first post and creating backlinks to it.

It is recommended to guest post on a website that has a high domain authority and web traffics that is higher than your own website.

Original Images

Many companies do not mind posting any image on their website but the little they don’t know is that most search engine algorithms can detect how repeatedly an image was used on different websites.

Publishing original images only on your website is a big step in boosting your keywords and images SEO as well, but it is not enough to get the best SEO results because your images have to be of high quality, compressed on the maximum size of 70 KB and you have to add image keywords in alt text attributions for SEO sake.

To get the best of image SEO you have to avoid using stock images and avoid copying or use any image that you may find on internet websites. So keep your website images original as much as you can so that your images and content can be displayed on top of search engines.


Infographics are long-form images that contain an explanatory illustration of particular information or topic. There are two ways you can use infographics for SEO of your company’s keywords and business in general.

The first way of using infographics for SEO is to create one and use it internally on your website. The second way of using infographics for SEO is by submitting infographics and submitting them on infographics web directories or to any other websites that allow infographics submission.

Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets for SEO help you stand out on the search engine results page. There are many types of featured snippets you have to think about depending on your company business but the following are the most common featured snippets as; paragraphs, lists, tables, and video will all improve your SEO and CTR.

To display your content in search engines like Google as featured snippets, you have to use a markup data structure so that search engines will be able to crawl and index your web pages as rich content.

Schema Markup Structure

Schema markup structure is one of efficient advanced SEO that can drastically boost your website content and keywords. If you never used Schema markup before trying them now and you will see the difference.

Schema markup structure for SEO uses JSON language to communicate with search engine algorithms which makes it easier for crawling and indexing your website content.

There are different structured data used in SEO but the most common schema markup are; product schema, article schema, video schema, event structure, and recipe markup.

Internal Linking

Internal linking will boost your SEO and web pages if you apply its strategy properly by following the rules and avoiding anchor text stuffing.

Internal linking is the SEO process of linking web pages internally on your website so that search engines can read and understand the structure of your internal web page content.

There are two main benefits of internal linking; one is to improve the web user experience and to increase CTR by easing the way users interact with your web pages and usability like where to go while navigating your website.

Internal linking creation is a good strategy to differentiate your pages and boosting the weak pages of your website that have a low ranking in search engines. It is good to link the pages with low ranking to the other pages that have a good ranking and higher domain authority so that they can increase each other ranking.

It is recommended to not internal link a web page over and over again on the same linking page. Just one internal link per one page is enough to boost your low-ranking web pages.

Wikipedia for SEO

Wikipedia has become the most famous free encyclopedia on the internet and it hits many web traffics every day. Even though it has become competitive and selective especially for its users but Wikipedia SEO is one of the best encyclopedias that can increase your website's trust and ranking.

There are two ways you can use Wikipedia to boost your website keywords and your SEO in general; the first and the most complex Wikipedia SEO strategy is to create a Wikipedia page for your company or a business. The second Wikipedia SEO trick is to create Wikipedia backlinks of your website as a source of information especially on the content that matches your business industry.

Keep in mind that Wikipedia does not provide do-follow backlinks but it can increase your website trust, authority, CTR, and referral web traffics.

Wikipedia SEO is a bit complex but it is a good step for creating your company’s knowledge panel. To use Wikipedia you have to create a user account and start editing your business or other pages that have content related to your industry and if you have important information on your websites you can post it on Wikipedia and link your company’s website as a source and reference of the information.

Update old content

There is a big SEO secret behind updating your old content that will transform your web pages and keywords ranking more than you could imagine.

Search engines love fresh content, so it is good to look back into your old articles, blogs and upgrade them at least your content has to be updated at a 50% rate so that search engines will newly crawl your web pages again by giving you a fresh ranking.

There are many benefits and advantages of updating your old content. Updating your old web content will help you gain the following benefits and advantages

  • Time-saving
  • Improve in keywords ranking
  • Meet latest search engine algorithms

Updating your content saves much time because you do not have to start from scratch. This will save you time as just you have to optimize your old keywords, paragraphs, and your title which will take less time.

It is good to update your titles, heading spelling mistakes, and carefully updating the dates you have published your new content. Search engines like Google upgrade their algorithms so often even every month. So it is good to update your content so that the fresh content will attract the latest search engine algorithms change.

Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization is the process of ranking and displaying similar topics or articles of your website content in search engine results.

Keyword Cannibalization is bad for SEO

Having similar content or topics on similar topics of your website is bad for SEO because they compete with each other which results in a low ranking.

How to avoid keyword cannibalization

To get better content and keyword ranking you have to avoid keyword cannibalization by following the following steps.

  • Audit and review your content so that you can spot similar content and topics of your blogs or articles
  • Combine or remove content that rank on similar keywords and topics
  • Build internal linking so that search engines will differentiate your web pages topics and content
  • Use HTML canonicalization attributes so that search engines will differentiate each web page and URL link.

Use SEO Analytics tools

SEO Analytics is another advanced SEO measurement that helps evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your website such as the most visited web pages, high ranking keywords, the number of web visits your website get daily, weekly, or monthly.

There are different SEO analytics tools you can use to track the performance of your website SEO and keywords such as Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Paid tools such as SEMrush, Hrefs, etc.

SEO Analytics helps you analyze the performance of your SEO efforts and the place where you have to put much effort in order to get the best SEO funnels.

Add customers’ testimonial

Putting your customers' testimonials on your website will make your web visitors trust you and your company will look more genuine.

Therefore the messages your customers add on your website will most of the time have keywords related to your business industry which will improve your ranking as well. So do not ignore or forget to ask your loyal customers to give you feedback about their satisfaction.

Use comparative keywords

Using comparative keywords in your blog, article, topic or content helps you rank higher in search engine results. Therefore these keywords do not help you ranking only but also they bring the web traffics of people who are genuinely interested in your company’s services or products.

The example of comparative keywords is "the difference between featured snippets vs. rich snippets” or “the most expensive cities in the world”.

The comparative keywords are important because it also helps the reader to learn new information and trust your website and business in general.

Use FAQ for SEO

Frequently Asked Question known as FAQ is the question and answer page related to your company that answers the common questions that most of your customers or web visitors may ask themselves.

The FAQ page has many SEO benefits because it, first of all, helps your web visitors to understand your company and business which increases your website CTR. Therefore your FAQ will improve your website ranking as long as you use keywords properly and you apply rich content on it such as Google markup data structure schema.

Video SEO

The rise of the internet has changed the way people watch videos online. Video SEO is a growing SEO technique that you do not have to ignore because it has many advantages that will boost your website ranking and your company brand.

There are many benefits of targeting your business keywords within the video for SEO such as an increase in a higher ranking, and brand awareness.

There are two ways to do video SEO; the first one is to embed original videos related to your content and topic to your web pages with keywords and markup data structure. The second way of using video SEO is targeting the most famous video hosting website like YouTube by targeting keywords users may type to reach your company.


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